Tuesday, March 12, 2019

LESSON 10 - ICT as Platform for Change

     Ict is important because in recent history there are already ict. The role of ict is to inform everyone about the campaigne for social change like the Million People March, Edsa Dos, etc. They used technology and social media to inform all Filipinos and ask them to join in campaign. They used facebook, change org. and radio broad to received the all information about what's happening.


        I learned in this lesson is all about the different types of media and traditional media. Different types of media is animation, sound, video, graphics and text while traditional media is contains broascast television and films. The Interactive Multimedia is 12 types such as application software, apps, games, video, etc. Video is all about posting your video in social media like Youtube. You can post your video in this site and everyone will watch it.

LESSON 10 - ICT as Platform for Change

     Ict is important because in recent history there are already ict. The role of ict is to inform everyone about the campaigne for social ...