Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Image result for online safety and security

I learned a lot about Online Safety and Security, that the internet is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote a business, gain new friends, source of entertainment and stay in touch with the old ones. The internet is also the most dangerous places, especially when you don't know what are you doing.
Our teacher discuss the Types of Information and Risks. If you give your fullname is more risky, a hacker already knows plenty of stuff about you. Your cellphone number should not posted over the internet because it's a public place and your home phone number is more risky than sharing your personal number. Our teacher give some tips to stay safe online by using a incognito (private) mode, do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face, do not reply or click links from suspepicious emails and etc. The Internet Threats like virus,spyware,keyloggers, etc. Our teacher said Think Before You Click and give us some tips to avoid copyrifght infringement and conducting online research. When you conducting online research, you need to focus on a question you want answered and search it to Google, Bing, etc.

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